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Love is the foundation of any great marriage. Congratulations on finding yours.~~你喜欢这些句子吗?祝福语网小编现在向你推荐2023英语结婚的祝福句子(33句),欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。


1、"May your wedding day be as enchanting and unforgettable as the fairy tales that are told in Yantai."

2、红妆带绾同心结,碧树花开并蒂莲。 Red make-up bands knot together, green trees blossom and Tilian.

3、Congratulations on your wedding day! May your love shine bright like the sun and warm your hearts forever.



6、"May your marriage be a reflection of the warmth and hospitality that Yantai is known for."

7、"May your wedding day be as cheerful and lively as the seafood markets and street vendors that are famous in Yantai."

8、"May your love story be as poetic and romantic as the famous Chinese poet Li Bai, who once wrote of the beauty of Yantai."

9、细瓷茶盅一朵花,他爱你来你爱他,夫妻俩个齐努力,明年得个胖娃娃。 A flower in a fine porcelain tea cup. He loves you and loves him. Both husband and wife work hard together to get a fat baby next year.

10、"May your love story be as graceful and elegant as the traditional Chinese dance that is practiced in Yantai."

11、May your marriage be a never-ending celebration, filled with love, laughter, and cherished memories. Congratulations on tying the knot!

12、May your wedding ceremony be solemn and timeless.

13、好事连连,好梦圆圆合家欢乐,双燕齐飞。 Good deeds come in succession, good dreams come round and family are happy, both swallows fly together.

14、"May your love story be as sweet and nurturing as the delicious fruits and honey that are harvested in Yantai."

15、Wishing you both all the love and happiness in the world on your wedding day and throughout your lives together!


17、上帝赐福于你,愿你们一生一世都看见圣城耶路撒冷的好处! God bless you. May you see the good of the Holy City of Jerusalem all your life!


18、As you embark on this new chapter of your lives, may your love be a shining example to all those around you. Congratulations and best wishes!

19、相亲又相爱,共苦与同甘,祝贺新婚快乐美满。 Best wishes for a happy marriage.

20、Congratulations on your wedding! May your love for each other continue to grow stronger every day.

21、祝你们永结同心,百年好合,新婚快乐。 I wish you all the best in your life and a happy new marriage.


23、You two are a perfect match. Heres wishing you both a lifetime of

24、Congratulations on your wedding day! May your love for each other continue to blossom and grow stronger with each passing year!

25、Congratulations on your wedding day! May your love be as beautiful and long-lasting as the stars in the sky.

26、今夜洞房,两头鸳鸯,先生儿子,再生姑娘。 Tonight in the cave, there are two mandarin ducks, Mr. son, and a new girl.

27、Wishing you both a lifetime of happiness together.

28、真心愿你们福星高照,幸福每日递增。 I sincerely hope that your stars shine brightly and happiness increases daily.

29、"Here's to a marriage that is as adventurous and exciting as the hikes through the beautiful mountains of Yantai."




33、Love is the foundation of any great marriage. Congratulations on finding yours.


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